
EDC EU Newsletter # 5

May 10, 2021
To help share the latest science-based information on EDCs, we have prepared the following newsletter for policymakers in the EU. We urge policymakers to prioritize specific actions on EDCs, including a coherent identification process linked to control measures to reduce widespread exposures. If you have any questions or requests for content, please reach out to Joe Laakso, PhD, Director of Science Policy at
EDC Latest Updates
ENDO 2021 Featured EDC Research
March 2021 | Researchers from around the world gathered online to learn about the latest endocrine science at ENDO 2021. The meeting featured cutting-edge content on EDCs, including the results of a study showing that low doses of propylparaben can alter pregnancy-related changes in the breast in ways that may reduce the normal protection against breast cancer that pregnancy hormones convey. Another study showed evidence that a drug, hydroxyprogesterone caproate, may contribute to increasing rates of early-onset cancer in children of mothers to whom the drug was prescribed during pregnancy.

New Book on EDCs and Fertility  
23 February, 2021 | In ‘Count Down’ by Shanna H. Swan, PhD, and Stacey Colino, the authors describe how our modern environment and exposures are impacting sperm count and reducing fertility. The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) held a webinar and panel discussion to talk about the book and its impacts for public health.  
Plastic Chemicals May Contribute to Postpartum Depression
1 April, 2021 | In this study, researchers found evidence that certain phthalates were associated with changes in steroid hormone concentrations and that these changes were also associated with increased risk of postpartum depression.  

EDCs Associated with Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes
29 March, 2020 | This review summarizes evidence of adverse effects due to maternal and fetal exposure to EDCs. The authors describe how the action of EDCs are mediated and interact with other environmental factors.
Endocrine Society European Union
EDC Task Force
Barbara Demeneix, PhD, DSC, Muséum National D'histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
Jorma Toppari, MD, PhD, University of Turku and Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland
Ángel Nadal, PhD, IDiBE and CIBERDEM,
Miguel Hernández University of Elche, Alicante, Spain
Katharina M. Main, PhD, University of Copenhagen and Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark
Josef Köhrle, Dr. rer. nat., Charité University-Medicine Berlin, Berlin, Germany
GianCarlo Panzica, PhD, University of Torino, Torino, Italy
Chemicals Strategy Roundtable to Hold First Meeting
5 May, 2021 | The European Commission hosted the implementation of the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability, comprised of representatives from industry, science and the civil society. Barbara Demeneix, PhD, Chair of the Endocrine Society’s EDC Advisory Group and EU EDC Task Force participated in the roundtable as a representative of the Society. She encouraged the Commission to adopt urgent, high-priority measures to improve identification processes for EDCs, remove identified EDCs from consumer products, and strengthen data requirements and testing strategies for EDCs. For more information about the Society’s recommendations, please contact
Council Approves CSS Conclusions
15 March, 2021 | The EU Environment Council approved its conclusions on the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. The conclusions supported several important positions endorsed by the Society, including strengthening the legal framework for EDCs, accelerating the development of test methods to generate information on endocrine disruption, and removing the most harmful chemicals in consumer products.  
EFSA Review of NMDR
After a careful review, the Society issued comments to the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) Scientific Committee open consultation on its draft opinion on biological plausibility of non-monotonic dose responses (NMDR) and their impact on the risk assessment. The Society’s response highlights several fundamental issues in the draft opinion that do not reflect existing scientific consensus regarding the existence of NMDR and the underlying biology that predicts these types of responses. We urged EFSA to substantially revise the opinion in collaboration with expert endocrine scientists to ensure that the final opinion reflects the latest science on this important subject.    
Endocrine Society Activities
. Learn  More About EDCs
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are exogenous chemicals or their mixtures that can interfere with any aspect of hormone action. EDCs such as bisphenols, phthalates, and PFAS are found in food, toys, cosmetics, medicines, and plastics as well as throughout the environment. Scientific evidence has shown that exposure to EDCs has contributed to increases in the incidence of diseases including neurodevelopmental, reproductive, and metabolic disorders, as well as some cancers.
Founded in 1916, the Endocrine Society is the world’s oldest and largest international organization dedicated to research on endocrine science and the clinical treatment of patients with endocrine diseases.  Our members include researchers and clinicians from over 120 countries, including all the member states of the European Union.  Since 2013, the Endocrine Society has made improving regulation of EDCs a top priority and has been the leading voice of endocrine science in global policy efforts. We have hosted several briefings in the European Parliament and numerous meetings with Members of the European Parliament and Commission officials. The Endocrine Society supports effective translation of scientific knowledge on EDCs and their health effects to regulatory policies that protect consumers and improve regulatory testing strategies. 

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