Endocrine Images Awards Submission Guidelines

February 03, 2023

The competition is open to researchers with an interest in endocrine science. Entries may be submitted on behalf of an individual or a group. One entry is allowed per individual, whether they are submitting on their own or as part of a group. 

Submissions should be light or electron microscopy or other life science images. Entries must be submitted as high-resolution photography or illustration file. Original JPG or TIF files are preferred, with a resolution of at least 300 pixels per inch. TIF files need to be converted to .zip for submission. Please submit the highest resolution file size possible.  

We plan to showcase top entries as 48-inch by 36-inch (121.92 cm x 91.44 cm) posters at ENDO 2024, the Society’s annual meeting. Entries may also be considered for use in the Society’s publications, social media channels, and marketing materials. 

The winning entries will be selected by Endocrine Society member volunteers. The judges will consider esthetics and relevance to endocrine science in selecting the winners. 

The researcher who submits the grand prize-winning entry or one member of the winning team will receive complimentary registration to ENDO 2024. If the winner is already registered for the meeting, they will receive complimentary registration to ENDO 2025. The winner must use this award toward a new purchase by July 2025. The award cannot be used toward a previous purchase of a meeting registration. In addition, the individual who receives the ENDO registration prize will receive a complimentary Endocrine Society membership for a 12-month period. 

General Guidelines: 

Entries must be original creations by the submitter and not previously published elsewhere, other than in an Endocrine Society journal. 

The submitter must hold the copyright of the submitted image. 

Images of human research subjects or patients are ineligible. Images of human cells are eligible for entry. Images or illustrations used for marketing specific companies or commercial products are ineligible. 


Upon submission, images may be used by the Endocrine Society, at its sole discretion, in marketing, products, and promotional materials.  

  • No monetary value will be given or assigned to submitted images. 
  • No monetary value will be given or assigned to submitters for their images. 

Assignment of Rights:

By submitting an image, the submitter remains the copyright holder and owner of the image and gives the Endocrine Society a non-exclusive, non-transferable, compensation-free license and right in perpetuity to use, publish, distribute, and edit the image as the Society sees fit, to include in all cases full attribution to submitter.

Upon submission of the image, the submitter is consenting to the use of the image and warrants that they own all rights to the image submitted. The submitter will indemnify and hold the Endocrine Society harmless from and against any and all losses, damages, costs and other expenses arising out of claims, whatever their nature, resulting directly or indirectly from breach of this warranty.

By submitting an image, the submitter grants permission for the Endocrine Society to contact them regarding Society news, updates, and events. Your communication preferences are important to us. If you would prefer to stop receiving a specific communication, please contact us at info@endocrine.org

Questions? Contact media@endocrine.org

Last Updated:
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