We hope you enjoyed EBR 2021!
More than 750 attendees assessed their knowledge and brought questions to our live Q&A sessions with expert faculty. Thank you to all who participated!
Our virtual meeting platform remains available until November 30. Access mock exams and live sessions you may have missed.
Claiming Credits and Certificates of Participation
Evaluations are now open. Follow the steps below to claim credits and your certificate of participation. Evaluations must be completed by December 31, 2021 to receive credit.
- Visit education.endocrine.org.
- Log in (upper right corner of page).
- Click My Courses and select the corresponding evaluation.
Please note that only reported attendees will be given access to the evaluation. Those wishing to claim AAPA must ensure their Center for Learning credit preferences include this credit type. Contact
info@endocrine.org before completing the evaluation.