EBR 2022 Frequently Asked Questions

May 18, 2022

We anticipate that you will have questions about EBR 2022. As a result, we have compiled a list of our most frequently asked questions to help you find the answers you need. We will continue to update these questions as the event develops.

Access the EBR 2022 Session Recordings

General Questions

What are the official dates for EBR 2022?
  • EBR 2022 will take place on Thursday, September 16 -18, 2022
How can I participate in EBR2022?
  • This year's program will be delivered online only.


When will registration be opened?
  • Early registration for EBR 2022 is open now through July 28.
When is the Early Registration Deadline?
  • Early registration ends July 28.
How do I register?
  • Register for the meeting by visiting our website. If you prefer to register by PDF form, please complete and submit our Virtual EBR Registration Form
What does my registration grant me access to?
  • The Endocrine Board Review 14th Edition book.
  • Interactive mock exam sessions (on-demand)
  • Topical Q&A sessions with experts (live): September 16-18.
Can I cancel my registration?
  • Details coming soon

Program and Content

What endocrine-related topics are going to be addressed in the program?
  • The program will be centered on the following topics: Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism.
When will I get my EBR book?
  • The book will be shipped to attendees by August 2022
How do I interact with the faculty and get my questions answered?

During the On-demand Interactive Mock Exam Sessions:
  • A question box will be available as you participate in the on-demand presentations. Please include the case number along with your question.
  • Questions submitted during the live topical Q&A sessions will be gathered and addressed.
During the Live Topical Q&A Sessions:
  • Each faculty member will moderate a one-hour live question-and-answer session.
  • You may submit questions for the faculty through the Q&A function
  • If you notice a participant raises the same or a similar question to yours or if you find a specific question interesting, "upvote" the question to boost its ranking in the queue and the likelihood it will be addressed during the live session.


For how many credits is EBR certified?
  • EBR 2022 Virtual Meeting is eligible for 21 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ and ABIM MOC points.

Session Recordings

When will recordings of live sessions become available?
  • If you miss a live session, the recording will be made available on the virtual meeting platform 72 hours after the session concludes.
How long will I have access to the session recordings?
  • This platform will be accessible to registrants until November 30, 2022. After that time, meeting registrants can access EBR content at sessions.endocrine.org (through December 31, 2023)

Tips for a successful EBR

How do I view on-demand interactive mock exam sessions?
  • You will need to log in with your endocrine.org username and password to access the on-demand interactive mock exam sessions.
  • The on-demand program requires a Windows or Mac computer or an iOS or Android mobile device with an operating system and web browser that your device manufacturer currently supports. Check with your device manufacturer to determine if your system software and web browser are up to date. In addition, your computer or device will need speakers or headphones so you can hear the presentations.
  • We recommend the use of a high-speed internet connection. A wired connection is a more reliable connection than a Wi-Fi connection.
  • Answer the interactive questions in the media player directly. Your initial responses can be cleared for additional practice after answering every case-based question in a topical session.
  • View your score report by selecting the graduation cap icon in each media player.
How do I prepare to join in advance of the Live Topical Q&A Sessions?
  • You will need to log in with your endocrine.org username and password to view the live topical Q&A sessions.
  • Please evaluate and check your system at least 10 minutes before the live topical Q&A session. This includes your network connection, device battery life, and speakers or headphones.
  • We recommend using a computer or a tablet for the best experience.
  • A high-speed internet connection is required. A wired connection is a more reliable connection than a Wi-Fi connection.
  • Upon successful login, you will join the live program using the Zoom online seminar. View the requirements from Zoom.
  • If you miss a live topical Q&A session, do not worry. All live topical Q&A sessions will be recorded and available to registrants by Monday, September 27.
What recommendations should I consider before joining the live sessions?
  • Control your environment as best you can.
  • Mute other devices that might interfere with your computer audio.
  • Create a learning-conducive environment, eliminating as many distractions as possible. For example, closeout of other tabs and mute notifications, if possible.
  • Prepare your space with anything you may need during the virtual program (appropriate chargers, note-taking materials, water, etc.).
Who should I contact if I need troubleshooting or experience technical difficulties?
  • If you experience any problems with our meeting platform, please contact info@endocrine.org or call +1.202.971.3646 (or toll-free at +1.888. 363.6762) during the conference.
  • In addition, the Live Chat located in the bottom right corner of the screen will be available.
Last Updated:
CEU 2022

Expand Your Education

Join us for virtual CEU 2022 on September 8-10 to discover the latest innovative practices in endocrinology diagnosis and treatment. This is a must-attend event for all endocrinologists, and it features 42 sessions covering nine of the most crucial topics in hormone health. CEU is certified for 28 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ and AAPA Category 1 CME Credits and Nursing Contact Hours.

Join us for virtual CEU 2022 on September 8-10 to discover the latest innovative practices in endocrinology diagnosis and treatment. This is a must-attend event for all endocrinologists, and it features 42 sessions covering nine of the most crucial topics in hormone health. CEU is certified for 28 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ and AAPA Category 1 CME Credits and Nursing Contact Hours.

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For 100 years, the Endocrine Society has been at the forefront of hormone science and public health. Read about our history and how we continue to serve the endocrine community.