Center for Learning TEST

July 16, 2021

Welcome to the Center for Learning, our online repository for on-demand education. Gain access to a variety of resources, from podcasts and webinars, to our premier case-based products including Endocrine Self-Assessment Program (ESAP™), Pediatric ESAP™, and Endocrine Board Review. Whether you are interested in accessing the content itself, reviewing your credits, or finding your CME/MOC transcript, the Center for Learning is the place for you. Get started today! Click ‘Login/Register’ to log in or to create your free account.

Have You Heard? The Center for Learning Is Getting an Upgrade!

As we work to continuously improve how we deliver education, we are excited to announce the launch of an upgraded Center for Learning! This new platform will enhance your professional education through a more streamlined, productive, state-of-the-art online learning environment that is ultimately easier for you to use.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will the new Center for Learning be available?

Our upgraded Center for Learning will launch on Monday, August 16. Please note beginning on Wednesday, August 11 there will be a freeze on all Center for Learning activity. During this time, you will not be able to enroll in new courses or complete existing courses.

What will be transferred to the new system?

The new system will have a transcript of all your completed courses and credits claimed, as well as enrollments for active courses that were not completed prior to the transition.

It's important to check your current Center for Learning activities to ensure you have completed all activities for which you wish to claim credit before August 11.

What do I need to do before August 11?
  1. Log into
  2. Visit your Pending Activities
  3. Complete all items you wish to complete and claim credit for
  4. Visit your Completed Activities to ensure all completions are recognized by the system and credits have been submitted if appropriate
Will access instructions change?

Only a little bit! The website will remain, but you will be directed to the main catalog page where you can choose to either explore our course offerings or navigate to your active courses and transcript through a separate side menu. What should I expect with the new system?

The driving force for this change was usability. Our priority is to provide an easy-to-navigate website: quick links to key areas of the website like your active courses and transcript, filterable catalog to find the education you need, a truly mobile-responsive design for use on any smart device, and course recommendations based on previous activity. A robust FAQ video library will also be available to assist with everyday inquiries.

Help us help you.

System transitions of this size are important to the advancement of any organization, but with a large transition comes unanticipated hiccups. We ask for your patience in the early stages of the launch to work out any initial kinks that may crop up. Know that our strong support staff remain available to guide you through the new Center for Learning and constructive feedback on your experience is welcome! If you have any questions, please contact our Members Services team at

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Who We Are

For 100 years, the Endocrine Society has been at the forefront of hormone science and public health. Read about our history and how we continue to serve the endocrine community.