Endocrine Society (ES) reserve the right to accept, reject, or condition acceptance of any registrant, in ES's sole discretion, at any time.
All cancellations must be received in writing. If a registrant who purchased "Premium Registration", a copy of MTP book and Session Recording will also be cancelled. If the registrant wishes to receive them, these products can be purchased on the Endocrine Society's website.
Until January 17, 2020
Cancellations made by this date, will receive a full refund, minus a $75 processing fee.
January 18 - February 14, 2020
Cancellations received by February 14, 2020 will receive a 50% refund.
After February 14, 2020
No refunds will be issued for cancellations or for no-shows after February 14.
Registrants who provide a written notification to the official Registration Management Company for the following circumstances, can receive a partial refund:
Send requests for refunds to:
Endocrine Society 2020
Convention Data Services
7 Technology Park Drive
Bourne, MA 02353
EMAIL: ENDO@xpressreg.net
FAX: 508.743.9684
ENDO attendees grant permission to the Endocrine Society and their agents to utilize the attendee's image or likeness in an effort to promote the Endocrine Society and/or the Endocrine Society's Annual Meeting & Expo. Attendees waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product or products and the advertising copy or other matter than may be used in connection therewith or the use to which it may be applied.
Photography, including camera-enabled cell phones, videotaping and audio recording in session rooms, including poster sessions and the Expo Hall is forbidden.
For registration information, please call 774-247-4000, Monday - Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm EDT.
Fax: 508-743-9684; Email: ENDO@xpressreg.net