TEST Partner With Us

December 21, 2023

The Endocrine Society is recognized as the world’s largest and most respected scientific and professional organization for endocrinologists. Our members see patients, present lectures to primary care physicians and other professionals, provide consultations to other specialties, teach and train the next generation of physicians, and publish in journals.

In clinics, hospitals, private practices, and other institutions around the world, our members address the full range of endocrine disorders, including: diabetes, obesity, thyroid disorders, osteoporosis, hypertension, pituitary disorders, growth hormone disorders, adrenal disorders, and infertility. Our marketing services can help you connect with the most influential thought leaders in endocrinology.

Partnership Opportunities


The Corporate Liaison Board (CLB) forges a partnership between the Endocrine Society and senior executives in industry.  It is a unique consortium of thought leaders and stakeholders assembled to discuss ideas and goals for the future of endocrinology.

Leaders from companies who have experience in the field provides vital perspective to the Society’s overarching mission. Through participation in the CLB, members have a forum to share their perspective with Society leaders on issues, such as clinical education, healthcare legislation, or patient education. Additionally, members have access to an array of benefits while showing leadership within in their fields.

If you have a question about your membership or are interested in joining the Corporate Liaison Board, please email us at development@endocrine.org or call us at 202-971-3636.

Corporate Liaison Board Members

Corporate Liaison Board Mission Statement

The Corporate Liaison Board (CLB) supports the Society mission of advancing patient care by:

  • Promoting reciprocal partnerships with the business, medical, and scientific leadership of the respective organizations.
  • Fostering partnerships and collaborations between the Society and industry involving projects and services of common interest.
  • Recognizing the scientific and professional contributions of Society members who work in industry.
  • Educating industry colleagues with an interest in endocrinology about the benefit of Society interactions.
  • Encouraging the presentation of industry science at appropriate venues and submission of endocrine manuscripts to Society journals.
  • Advising of industry trends and needs with strategic objectives of the Society.
  • Identifying industry career paths for trainees.

The Society offers the opportunity for industry and other supporting companies or organizations to have a presence at ENDO, our largest annual meeting, or at Clinical Endocrinology Update (CEU), our second largest annual meeting.

ENDO Annual Meeting

ENDO offers an opportunity for you to meet face-to-face with your target audience to build brand awareness, generate new leads, and foster quality relationships. At ENDO, leaders in endocrine practice and hormone research share their latest breakthroughs that advance science and shape the future of patient care. Do not miss your chance to exhibit to connect with this elite group of influential endocrinologists. To learn more, visit our ENDO 2024 exhibit management site.

Clinical Endocrinology Update (CEU) and Endocrine Board Review (EBR)

Connect with more than 1,000 endocrinologists at Clinical Endocrinology Update (CEU) and Endocrine Board Review (EBR)—an unduplicated audience from ENDO. Get your company's message out to practicing clinical endocrinologists and fellows. Learn more about exhibiting at CEU.

For more information contact:

Rick Felperin
A. Fassano & Company
Exhibit & Sponsorship Sales
Phone: +1.856.637.3301 


Ancillary Symposia

Partnering with us through an ancillary symposium is a highly effective way to ensure that your educational product is presented to the thought leaders at the largest gathering of endocrinologists in the world. The Society has a reputation for scientific excellence. Since 1996, the Society brand has delivered outstanding quality through:

  • Instant Credibility
  • Unparalleled Scientific Expertise
  • Customized, Turn-Key Program Management

Presentations may focus on the latest research and development, new disease state management guidelines, or new therapies and treatment options. Programs can coincide with the Society’s annual meetings – ENDO, CEU, and EBR – or with outside meetings, such as PriMed or another association’s annual meeting.

The Society is experienced and knowledgeable in working with medical education/communication companies on developing proposals, applications, and detailed budgets, and welcomes the opportunity to accredit programs developed by third parties. Medical education companies interested in partnering with us are required to submit proposals according to our guidelines.

Learn more from our ENDO 2024 policies.

Learn more about our ENDO 2024 Satellite Symposia.

Mailing List Rental Service

The Society Mailing List consists of endocrine professionals, book buyers, and subscribers to Society journals. Reach both members and non-members who are eager to receive direct mail offers at their home or office address. This is the most comprehensive list of endocrinologists available.

The database contains physicians, nurses, basic scientists, clinical scientists, post-doctoral fellows, students, and patient educators. Subscriptions are to JCEM, Endocrinology, and Endocrine Reviews.

For information, counts, or to place an order, visit the Society's list rental page or contact INFOCUS Marketing at sales@infocusmarketing.com or 800-708-5478.

Please note that only mailing lists are provided; phone numbers or email addresses are never provided with purchased lists.

Reach the decision makers and thought leaders in the field of endocrinology. Society journals are read by the world's leading practitioners and scientists. Known for publishing cutting edge research in endocrinology science and medicine, these journals are widely regarded as the leading publications in endocrinology. The Society accepts display advertising at its annual meeting, in its journals and monthly news magazine, Endocrine News. For more information, please see the 2024 ENDO Media Kit, or contact:

Advertising Sales:
Joe Schuldner
(212) 904-0377

Advertising Sales:
Gina Bennicasa
(212) 904-0364

Production Manager:
Shemika Houston
(212) 904-0367

4 South Orange Avenue, #504
South Orange, NJ 07079
(212) 685-5010

Online Advertising

For more information on digital advertising opportunities including online and e-newsletters, please contact Joseph Schuldner at Pharmaceutical Media, Inc. (212) 904-0377, jschuldner@pminy.com.

Classified Advertising

For print advertising opportunities in our print journals and Endocrine News, please contact Joseph Schuldner at Pharmaceutical Media, Inc., (212) 904-0377, jschuldner@pminy.com.

Website Retargeting Advertising

Contact salesinquiries@multiview.com  


Looking for great candidates? EndoCareers is a great way for you to promote your opportunities. Find out more at EndoCareers or contact Health eCareers at info@healthecareers.com.


ENDO is the place where leading experts, researchers, and the most respected clinicians come together to share the latest findings in hormone science and discuss breakthroughs in patient treatment. Learn more about exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities at ENDO 2024.

The Society is recognized as a trusted content provider and content publisher with a long-standing reputation for delivering high-quality endocrine content that ensures your message informs and educates professionals, patients, and consumers alike. Our products are developed by leveraging the expertise of 18,000 global members and reflect an unbiased, evidence-based representation of the field of endocrinology.

Whether you require online medical information, CME and MOC materials, patient education content, or other custom content, we offer a variety of licensing resources that help clinicians, researchers, and all healthcare learners accelerate the pace of scientific discovery and translate the latest science into quality clinical care.

Topics Include

  • Adrenal
  • Bone Health and Osteoporosis
  • Cardiovascular Endocrinology
  • Diabetes and Glucose Metabolism
  • Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)
  • Endocrine Neoplasia and Cancer
  • Female Reproductive Endocrinology (Women's Health)
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Male Reproductive Endocrinology (Men's Health)
  • Neuroendocrinology
  • Obesity
  • Pediatric Endocrinology
  • Thyroid
  • Transgender Medicine

Licensable Products

  • Journal Articles for Local Editions and Collections
  • Editors’ Choice Curated Journal Content
  • Professional Education Books
  • Clinical Practice Guidelines, including CPG Pocket Guides
  • Meetings and Conferences
  • Podcasts
  • Webinars
  • Patient Education and Consumer Health Information
  • Translation and Customization

For more information, see our Licensing Brochure.

Special Program for Meetings Content: The EndocrineDirect licensing program makes the leading science from Society meetings available to licensees worldwide, updating local endocrinologists, endocrine researchers, medical practitioners, and related medical fields on the latest advances in hormone science, medicine, and patient health.

See our Standards for Licensing its Content.


Permissions & Reprints

Journal Commercial Reprints

We welcome proposals for supplements to Endocrine Society journals. Supplements are excellent tools for providing in-depth information on current and emerging topics in endocrinology. From proposal planning to publication, our publishing partner Oxford University Press will provide you with professional support throughout the supplement process.

Our commitment to the very highest standards of quality means that your supplement will achieve maximum impact and will be read by members of the Endocrine Society. Supplements must meet the same editorial and peer-review standards as other journal content and are subject to approval of the Editor prior to acceptance. To learn more about publishing a supplement, please contact marnie.vandenburg@oup.com.

Ancillary Symposia

Partnering with the Endocrine Society through an ancillary symposium is a highly effective way to ensure that your educational product is presented to the thought leaders at the largest gathering of endocrinologists in the world. The Society has a reputation for scientific excellence. Since 1996, the Endocrine Society brand has delivered outstanding quality through:

  • Instant Credibility
  • Unparalleled Scientific Expertise
  • Customized, Turn-Key Program Management

Presentations may focus on the latest research and development, new disease state management guidelines, or new therapies and treatment options. Programs can coincide with the Society’s annual meetings – ENDO, CEU, and EBR – or with outside meetings, such as PriMed or another association’s annual meeting.

Our staff is experienced and knowledgeable in working with medical education/communication companies on developing proposals, applications, and detailed budgets, and welcomes the opportunity to accredit programs developed by third parties. Medical education companies interested in partnering with us are required to submit proposals according to our guidelines.

Learn more from our ENDO 2024 policies.
Learn more about our ENDO 2024 Satellite Symposia.

Partnering with the Society to collaborate on funded accredited continuing medical education expands our reach to healthcare providers and diversifies the educational portfolios available to our respective audiences. More information.

Our member and nonmember mailing lists are the most comprehensive lists of endocrinologists available. Endocrinologists are at the core of solving the most pressing health problems of our time, from diabetes and obesity to infertility, bone health, and hormone-related cancers.

Whether you want to promote a new program or resource, target a group to attend your meeting or training, or raise awareness of new treatments and treatment options, our list rentals will maximize your impact and help you achieve your marketing goals.

No matter your needs, our extensive data has you covered. Get instant access to our directory and tailor the list to fit your audience. The Society provides a spectrum of list options, from pre-selected prospect lists to customized mailing lists. We also are pleased to assist with printing and mailing.

For more information, please contact listrental@endocrine.org.

Please note that only mailing lists are provided.

Pricing: $350/M*


State $15.00/M
Zip $15.00/M
Region $15.00/M
Research Area $15.00/M
Practice Area $15.00/M
Gender $10.00/M
Title / Position $20.00/M
Type of Organization $20.00/M
Degree $15.00/M

*3,000 count minimum on all orders.

When you acquire one of our lists, you can do the following:

  • Maximize your impact
  • Achieve your marketing goals
  • Personalize lists to ensure that you are reaching your desired audiences
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Who We Are

For 100 years, the Endocrine Society has been at the forefront of hormone science and public health. Read about our history and how we continue to serve the endocrine community.