Meet the Professor Instructions

The 2020 edition of Endocrine Case Management is a highly valued educational publication for more than 4000 clinicians worldwide. This book provides practicing clinicians access to your expertise in specific endocrine diseases. Below are the guidelines for writing your chapter.

Deadline for Submission: November 8, 2019


Maximum 4 to 6 pages (single-spaced, 11 pt font)


Use the provided Word template to write content in the following sections:

    Visit Faculty Resources for tips on writing learning objectives. Write 1 to 2 learning objectives that follow the phrase “As a result of participating in this session, learners should be able to:…”
    Write a brief summary (no more than 250 words) of your main conclusions that are congruent with the learning objectives.
    Write a 1- to 2-paragraph introduction highlighting the importance of your topic in terms of specific gaps in physician competence and patient outcomes.
    List 2 or more potential barriers or challenges that clinicians face in diagnosis, management, or treatment.
    Write a succinct review of the didactic information that illustrates and reinforces case management strategies (2-4 pages).
    Write 2 to 3 brief case vignettes that consist of a question, answer options (A-D or A-E), and short discussion of the answer options.
    List 5 to 10 references from the peer-reviewed literature. Cite in consecutive numerical order in the text.

Important Notes

  • Click Here for an example of a chapter.
  • Tables and figures are encouraged, but color drawings will be converted to grayscale. Figures and tables should be given titles, and the individual files should be named with your last name, underscore, and figure number (eg, Smith_Fig 1; Smith_Table 1). Please indicate where figures and tables should be placed in your chapter text.
    • Copyrighted material: Full credit must be given to the originators of any borrowed tables or figures in the form of a full, reference-style credit line. In addition, it is your responsibility to obtain written permission for inclusion of materials that may be under copyright protection (eg, published figures or tables) and to submit copies of any such permission required/obtained to the Endocrine Society.
    • Patient confidentiality: If a patient can self-identify in a photograph, signed permission is required to use the image. Remove all identifying demographic information from scans and x-rays, etc.
  • Laboratory Units: More than 40% of learners who reference the Endocrine Case Management book are not from the United States. Please incorporate both conventional and SI units when presenting laboratory data. Click to download a simple SI Unit Converter Tool.
  • Copyright of the handout: The Endocrine Society will copyright the handout and may use or adapt it for educational materials targeted to a broader audience of clinicians who diagnose and manage patients with endocrine disorders.

If you have any questions, please contact Kristen Ndure (


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